Birthways gives to you Excellence in Prepared Childbirth Classes

Birthways Logo Birthways stands for Birthways Childbirth Resource Center, Inc., and it is located just outside of Seattle, Washington. Birthways was incorporated in 1980 as a non-profit, educational organization. Birthways has been providing a variety of childbirth education classes, counseling, seminars, professional labor coaching (doulas), Film Festivals, and worldwide distribution of “The Empathy Belly” Pregnancy Simulator.
Course Description

Birthway's PREPARED CHILDBIRTH COURSE is a ten-class series of 3-hour classes designed to totally prepare expectant women and their coach who are planning to give birth at home, or in a freestanding birth center, or in a hospital. This 30-hour course covers topics ranging from the Third Trimester of Pregnancy all the way through to Breastfeeding and Infant Care. This comprehensive course is unique because it teaches in-depth the concepts and techniques of eight of the most effective methods of childbirth today:

  • Lamaze
  • Bradley
  • LeBoyer
  • Odent
  • Simkin
  • Barcia
  • Kitzinger
  • Birthing from Within
All of these methods are complementary to each other, and they are clearly portrayed being used by birthing couples in 6 of the 11 films shown during this course. During this course's many hands-on "birth rehearsals", special emphasis is placed on using the above methods for successfully "troubleshooting" the majority of common problems that can arise. Knowing and having practiced these techniques enables couples to find what works best for them and their unique circumstances during birth. As such, this course is of great benefit not only to "first-time" parents, but also to parents who've previously experienced difficult births and now want to achieve an easier, less complicated, less painful, and more gentle birth for both the baby and the mother. Medical complications – as well as evidence-based presentation of the benefits, risks and alternatives of more invasive interventions -- are objectively explained to facilitate informed choices with their health care providers.

Additional Course Benefits:

  • Birthway's classroom is conveniently located in the center of Seattle so that residents from both Seattle and the Eastside can attend. Classes begin at 7:00pm to allow for sufficient driving time.
  • Small class size: maximum is 12 women and their coaches. Lasting friendships are easily formed.
  • The first 9 classes (attended in the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy) are comprised of lecture, a lot of Q and A, many hands-on birth rehearsals, as well as lively discussions in a relaxed setting.
  • The 10th class is a wonderful family reunion after all the babies are born! Including this class, a total of 30 hours is provided.
  • Numerous 2- and 3-dimensional teaching aids are used, and 11 films that are fascinating and contemporary are shown!
  • Many high-quality and useful class handouts are given on most of the topics covered in the course.
Pregnant Men?
The instructor of this course, Linda Ware, has "made over 500 men pregnant!" Since she is the patented inventor of the world renowned teaching aid, "The Empathy Belly"® Pregnancy Simulator, she will be happy to put this unique and amazing device on any of the men during the classes! It realistically simulates 20 of the symptoms and discomforts of pregnancy, and thus gives expectant fathers new insights and increased empathy for their pregnant partner. Since “The Empathy Belly”® is such an eye-opening reality check for expectant fathers, and one that also helps prevent teenage pregnancy, Linda and “The Empathy Belly”® have been featured in hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles worldwide, as well as Linda being a featured guest on 221 TV news and talk shows throughout the world, including Oprah, Donahue,the BBC, CNN News, Good Morning America, ABC National Health News, Inside Edition, Eyewitness News, Tomorrow’s World, and Good Morning Britain.

About Your Instructor
pregnant man
Photo courtesy of Raymond Martinez

Linda Ware, B.Ed, B.S.W., C.E, will be your instructor throughout your course. She is a mother of four children, including one set of twins to whom she gave birth when she was 46 (one baby was 7 lbs., and the one sitting on top of him in a stubborn breech position was 9 lbs!!! So she can REALLY empathize with you pregnant moms!) Linda has served as the Founder and Executive Director of Birthways since 1980. She holds degrees in Education and Social Welfare, and received her prenatal training through an apprenticeship with a nurse-midwife, training from the Portland Birth Center, and all the knowledge and skills gained first-hand by serving as a birth doula for over 200 births in home, birth center, and hospital settings. Over the course of twenty years, Linda has been a childbirth educator, counselor, birth doula, birth planning consultant, and consumer advocate in the states of Oregon and Alaska. She is now offering her Prepared Childbirth classes for Seattle and Eastside residents.

Linda Ware
Instructor Linda Ware, B.Ed., B.S.W., C.E.
"Giving birth can be much more than just a safe process yielding a healthy baby and mother; it can be one of the most miraculous, growthful, exciting and joyful experiences in life! One that challenges you to stretch beyond your limits as you give your very best in effort, inherent wisdom and ability, and shared intimacy. We are all so different in our personalities, values, and circumstances; likewise, births vary so much! My goal is not only to educate you comprehensively, but also to help empower you to know how to create the most loving, most wonderful birth experience possible!

P.S. I love teaching expectant couples!"             Sincerely,
            Linda Ware

Birth Outcomes of Birthway's Students

After completing Birthway's Prepared Childbirth Series,

  • 94% of women chose to labor and give birth (vaginally) without pain medication

  • 89% succeeded in their goal of having a vaginal birth after a previous Cesarean Delivery

  • 7% had a medically indicated Cesarean birth (versus the national U.S. average of 34%!)

  • 96% of women and men said that they feel wonderful about their birth experience!
  Family holding baby
Testimonials As Birthway’s students Paul and Nina Katz wrote: “Paul’s involvement in the birth was wonderful for us both. I don’t know how I could have given birth without his fantastic help –- and he was the person who started the classes so reluctantly! Linda’s calm manner and her warm, caring support gave us so much confidence and greatly enhanced our experience of pregnancy, birth, and parenthood!”

As Birthway’s students Susan and Floyd Hansen wrote: “In retrospect, we were thankful for her ‘be prepared for anything’ method of teaching; we experienced a Cesarean due to breech but were able to handle it well due to our preparation in class. With her support, knowledge and skills as doula at our 2nd child’s birth, we were able to achieve a vaginal birth…Linda is a birth educator and birth assistant of the highest quality!”

As Birthway’s students Sandra and Robert Wheeler wrote: “I was both impressed and grateful at how the ‘troubleshooting’ techniques we’d learned about in class led to a dramatic improvement in our long labor…while others are talking about good ideas, Linda is implementing them There is no better person for birth education and doula!”

As Obstetrician Dr. Randall Lewis wrote: “During the many years that I have known Linda Ware, I have developed a respect for her diligence, consumer advocacy, and her professionalism. Her students are well informed, very capable, and maintain a positive attitude throughout their labor and delivery. She has been a great asset to our community!”

Class Times, Course Fee and Pre-Registration

Classes take place from 7:00pm to 10:00pm, on either Monday or Thursday nights, for 9 consecutive classes. The 10th class is the family reunion which takes place on the soonest weekend after all the babies are born! A new series of classes begins each month so as to accommodate as many due dates as possible.

We accept Visa and MastercardFees:

The total, 30-hour course series -- for a woman and one coach -- is $245.00. Scholarships are available--please call. Birthways can accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards for payment of course fee. Since class size is limited to a maximum of 12 couples, and the classes fill up quickly, it is recommended that you call Birthways by your 5th to 7th month to preregister.


To pre-register, or to talk with Linda Ware about any questions you may have, please call Birthways at (206) 463-9572 or (800) 882-3559 or send an email to To secure your pre-registration you will need to send in a nonrefundable deposit of $100.00, and pay the balance of $145.00 when you attend your first class. Please call Birthways if you wish to use a credit card to pay for your deposit or course fee.

|| Course Description | Additional Course Benefits | Pregnant Men? | About Your Instructor | Birth Outcomes of Birthway's Students ||
|| Testimonials | Class Times, Course Fee and Pre-Registration | Printable Site Summary ||